Through continuous research and development, Marson's has successfully extended its product range to manufacture transformers upto 40 MVA at 36 KV voltage class and includes Energy Efficient & Star rated transformers. Marsons is also equipped to meet the special requirements of both domestic and international customers.

12/19/24 MVA, 33/11.5 KV

ONAN/ONAF/OFAF/CER with Separate Radiator Bank & Internal OLTC

10/12.5MVA, 33/11.55kV

ONAN/ONAF with Internal OLTC

10 MVA

with OLTC AVR & RTCC, SCADA enabled

10/12 MVA, 33/11.55 KV

ONAN/ONAF with Internal OLTC

5/6.25 MVA, 33/11.55 KV

ONAN/ONAF with Internal OLTC

1MVA, 11/0.415 KV

with Mini External OLTC

1MVA, 11/0.440kV, 60Hz

KNAN cooled with AVR & ACB housed in LV cabinet

2 MVA, 11/0.480 KV

Aluminium Wound Automobile Charging Transformer

2 MVA 33/0.415 KV

with Internal OLTC & RTCC

800 KVA, 11-6.6/0.415 KV

Dual Ratio Transformer

50 KVA, 11/0.400 KV

with DGPT2 Protection Device

63KVA, 11/0.433kV


100KVA, 11/0.433 KV

BIS Level 2, Completely Self Protected Type

400KVA, 11/0.433kV